Please read through the pricing here before filling out the google form!


Base Price: $50

Additional Character/Animal: 50% of base price

Additional Details (detailed clothing, tattoos, weapons, magic): $5 each

Color backgrounds only (can be more than one)

✧ space is limited so I can focus on commerical projects ✧

Ordering & Process

✧ Once you have read and agreed to the Terms of Service on the google form, please fill out my commission form on the next page (google form is linked below)

✧ Once the form is sent I will email you within 1-3 business days to discuss plans moving forward

✧ If I am on a waitlist I will email you again when your turn is up - I will let you know in my first email when I will be reaching back out

✧ If you do not reply within a week then I will move on to other commissions. I know things happen and emails can get sent to spam so I will reach out again if I do not hear back from you. But please know I work on a strict schedule and things can pile up all at once if you do not respond to me. Please check your spam.

✧ I will send you a first sketch, line art and colors, then the finished piece (if changes are made after each step then I will send an update for each)

✧ Any changes are allowed in the sketch stage but only minor changes are allowed in the line art and color stage (such as color changes and small details). I will allow SLIGHT color/lighting changes after the final piece is sent.

✧ A 20% fee (of the overall cost) will be added if you need major changes after the line art or final stage

✧ It will usually take me 1-4 weeks to complete a profile pic

✧ You will be sent the final piece through email as a JPEG. If you need a PNG I will happily provide one!